5 Steps to Build a Profitable Positioning & Messaging Strategy

So you can stop guessing what to write in your copy, write copy using your customer's language, and make sure every dollar of your marketing budget drives sales.

These same strategies have generated millions in revenue for our clients.

This FREE 5 day email course gives you all the secrets you need to know BEFORE you

  • Launch that new product or marketing campaign

  • Wonder why that piece of content flopped

  • Plough even more money into hiring that copywriter or designer hoping they will magically solve low-performing marketing campaigns

Everyone's talking AT your clients. This free 5-day course will help you be the one that talks TO them.

My name is Defne, and I have helped over 150+ brands write their marketing copy.Plot twist: 80% of my work isn't even writing!It's figuring out a brand's positioning & messaging BEFORE writing, so what I write is 1000x more effective...(Why work harder than you need to? And why should you??)

We've worked with

Want to make sure this free email course is “worth it” before you sign-up?

Here's everything that's inside:

Day 1: How to define your ideal clientDay 2: How to understand your prospect better than they understand themselves (so your marketing converts)Day 3: The best way to stand out in your industry (even if it’s saturated)Day 4: How to write copy that deeply resonates with your ICPDay 5: How to create your brand’s positioning slide deck (FREE template 🎁)

Hooray! Step 1 to build your brand's Profitable Messaging Strategy is on its way to your inbox.

Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from me Defne.This email contains instructions to get started with this email course so be sure to check it out!If you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know—I'll be happy to help! :-)Now go and check your inbox!

P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot! 🤷🏻)